Servicing Hamilton, Cambridge and the Waikato Region
Shower Repair Specialists
When a leaky shower isn't treated as soon as the problem arises, it can quickly turn into a very expensive repair. Ignoring water leaks for even just a short time can result in serious property damage. Call the Shower Doctor to assess the problem and get it fixed quickly.
Shower Repairs
The Shower Doctor advises you not to leave a leaky shower unfixed - it can slowly destroy your property and end up costing you way more money than just a wet floor mat!
Shower Doors
Shower doors get lots of wear and tear which is unavoidable. Many common problems can occur that require a professional to assess and provide a solution.
Shower Glass
If your shower glass has scratches, leaks, or needs replacing you need a professional on the job. The Shower Doctor does it all and anything in between to save you time and money.
Shower Seals,
Rails and Trays
Sealants are often the likely culprit when it comes to leaky showers as the bond becomes brittle with age resulting in water damage.
A leaky shower can cause unseen damage

If taking a shower leaves your bathroom floor wetter than your shower recess, it’s pretty safe to say you’ve got a leaky shower!
In our job, we are constantly dealing with leaky showers that have not been repaired and just left to get worse. In a very short time, problems that arise from this are serious and very expensive.
We see this all the time in the homes we go into.
Trust us… it will cost you more in the long run if you leave a leaky shower unattended.
Our advice is: don’t leave a leaky shower to its own devices – it will only lead to bigger and more serious problems. Water breaching the substructure of your home causes health hazards, growth of mould or mildew and attracts pests due to the damp timber which can cause a serious infestation!
Most of the materials in the foundation of a home are not waterproof, so floorboards, beams, wooden joists and others will start to rot and weaken and collapse. You don’t want that to happen!
But the good news is: a leaky shower can easily be fixed when acted on quickly with minimal cost.
Leaky shower repairs need to be assessed by an experienced professional who will explain the problem and provide a solution.
There’s not a ‘one repair fixes all’ method. We will advise you on all the options available to resolve the problem and get to work straight away.
We’ve all heard the saying… if a job is worth doing – it’s worth doing properly.
Call the Shower Doctor now if you have any concerns.
Why Choose Us?
About our team
With a dedication to customer service, Barry and his team believe in making an excellent first impression when serving their customers.
Barry has been involved in the home improvement and building supply industry for well over 40 years and has consistently over this time, gained a reputation for providing excellent customer service.